Growing Guide

How to Grow Onions

A complete, definitive, simple, and free guide to growing big onions in your own yard.

How to Grow Onions

Selecting the Type of Onion to Grow

Onions come in three types, short-day, intermediate-day, and long-day onions.

Short Day: Grown in Southern US regions where daylight doesn’t vary much throughout the year and winters are mild.

Intermediate Day: Typically grown in the middle of the US, but can be grown in both the South and the North.

Long Day: Typically grown in northern states where daylight is much longer in the summer than in the winter.

Click here for my top 10 favorite onions to grow in the home garden including what I use them for in the kitchen and what zones they grow best in.

Onions Growing Profile


The amount of sunlight an onion needs to form a full-size bulb depends on the type of onion.

Short-Day Onions: 10-12 Hours Direct Sun

Intermediate Onions: 12-14 Hours Direct Sun

Long-Day Onions: 14-16 Hours Direct Sun


Well-draining, sandy loam is best.

Will grow in clay if amended with 50/50 compost.

Grow best with pH between 6.2 and 6.8.

Soil should be rich in nitrogen.

Click here to learn more about amending your soil for onions and my top 2 potting soils for growing onions.


Seedlings: Keep top 2” consistently moist.

Early Growth: About 1” of water every 4 days

Bulb Formation: Increase water to 2” every 4 days

Late Growth: Decrease water to 1.5” every 4 days

Stop watering 1-2 weeks before harvest when leaves fall over.

Soil Temperature

For Vegetative Growth: 55°F to 75°F

For Bulb Development: 60°F to 77°F

Cold Tolerance: 35°F

Heat Tolerance: 85°F

Extreme temperatures or frequent fluctuations can cause onions to bolt prematurely.